Document Hub

OMD users can access documents related to the following OMD entities:

  • customers
  • service objects
  • resources
  • tasks
  • products
  • territory
  • configuration

The documents for these entities are mapped to specific folders in the cloud storage system. For example, a task on instance prod in configuration 1234567 having externalId SE29474 is stored in prod-1234567/tasks/SE29474.

S3 Storage

For S3 storage, files are referred to with a key value. Folders do not exist and are therefore represented by a prefix of the key. For the example above, the key of the file is tasks/SE29474, having prefix tasks/. It is stored in bucket prod-1234567.


All preferences of a configuration are retrieved from OMD's preference table. The preferences include:

  • omd.documents.serviceprovider (default s3)
  • omd.documents.s3.endpoint
  • omd.documents.s3.region
  • omd.documents.s3.pathstyle
  • omd.documents.s3.bucketname
  • omd.documents.s3.accesskey
  • omd.documents.s3.secretkey
  • omd.documents.s3.expiration (in seconds)


with All requests must pass an OMD configuration token (JWT) into the Authorization header. The service can then quickly decide if the user has permission to read/write to the configuration.

The following rules apply:

  • web users having read access to a configuration can read documents for all entities
  • web users having read-write access to a configuration can read and write documents for all entities
  • resources can read documents for all entities

Recycle Bin

All providers implement a recycle bin, i.e. all deleted files are temporarily moved to a dedicated space before they are finally purged. The infrastucture providing the document storage must implement the purge individually, for example, by appling a cronjob that deletes outdated objects in the bin folder on a regular basis.

For S3, we apply a .deleted folder with an indentical structure, i.e. an object in {{bucketname}}/tasks/{{taskId}}/file.txt is copied to {{bucketname}}/.deleted/tasks/{{taskId}}/file.txt before it is purged. Note that moving an object in S3 is not possible.

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