
A widget is a UI control, containing the following information:

Field Description
Type The widget type, referring to a slider, integer, float, real, boolean, option, string, datetime, subUI, material or remote.
Name The unique name of the widget. Values are stored along with it's widget name to allow for external systems to identify and process the entered data.
Default value The information can contain a specification of the default value, with which the widget should be pre-populated. See below for details.
Sort value A value indicating the sequence position in which this widget is to be displayed on the screen.
Editable true, if the Field Worker is allowed to overwrite this value, false otherwise.
Prompt The text appearing on the widget, providing the Field Worker with an indication about the content and meaning of this widget.

The Default value can contain:

  • a numeric, boolean or text value representing the default value of the widget.

  • specific literals that refer to fields of the task attachment: quantity (also planned, Q0 are alternatives for quantity), content, reference, unitOfMeasure, processFlow, subType, size.

  • an XPath expression, referring to the an overall XML document derived from the extra field, the Task and TaskAttachment.

The derived overall XML documents contains the following details:

  • the entire XML document of the extra property.
  • a language attribute injected into the root element, indicating the user's device language settings.
  • a Task element with the attributes processFlow, taskType, contractType and locale.
  • a TaskAttachment element added as a child to the Task element, containing the attributes planned, content, reference, unitOfMeasure, processFlow, subType and size.








/Data[@positionType = '08']/@dirtyQty

/Data[@positionType != '08']/@planned




concat(/Data/@debtor, ' ', /Data/@saNo, ' ', /Data/@technician)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""