Reasons for Disruption

Reasons for Disruption document the cause for cancelling a task or to control further actions when closing a task. Cancellation can take place on the mobile device, before the mobile worker reports an onSite, or while the mobile worker is onSite and probably already executing the task. Also, the planner can be asked to give a Reason for Disruption, when a task is cancelled in OMD Scheduler. See the section about askForReasonForDisruption in the OMD Configuration Guide for more details on this option.


Suppose a mobile worker has canceled a task. If the Send a note flag of the selected Reason for Disruption is set, a note is automatically sent to the territory manager, using the taskAttachmentNoteTemplate template. This template must contain an XSLT document to produce the email's body. The XSLT transformation uses the internal XML representation of the task.

The server preference taskAttachmentRFDNoteSubject customizes a disruption-related email subject, otherwise the static text Note will be used. If the preference contains the name of an existing template, the template will be used to generate the note's subject.

Type Default Value Example
String Note Disruption Note from OMD Mobile

The optional follow-on type of a Reason for Disruption defines what happens on the related action.

Follow-On Type 1 & 2

The types 1 and 2 are listed when Follow-on is pressed on completion of the task. More details can be found in the section of this document, about the flow-preference showFollowOnIcon.

The status of the task created for the follow-on type is set to the status that is defined with the related Reason for Dispruption.

Follow-On Type 3

Reasons for Disruption with follow-on type 3 and without follow-on type are offered for selection when No Service is pressed on the mobile device. Type 3 is listed only when the task was not yet reported onSite.

The status of the task is set to the status that is defined with the related Reason for Dispruption.

Follow-On Type 4

Note that follow-on type 4 is related to rebooked tasks. See chapter Service Objects for more details.

Follow-On Type Undefined

Reasons for Disruption without the followOnType defined are shown to both planners and mobile workers. If you wish to avoid showing a reason for disruption without follow-on type on the mobile device, you can set the Planners only flag. This flag does not have any meaning if a follow-on type is set.

Note to Customer

If the Note to customer flag is set and a template name is provided, a note is sent to the customer's e-mail (as specified on the task), using the specified template layout.

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