Attachment Schema

Each task or trip within OMD may contain a list of attachments. Attachments can be inbound, outbound or both. Inbound attachments are used to inform OMD about details on a task, such as delivery details. Outbound attachments are usually created within OMD and can be pushed back to a connected ERP system for further processing. Outbound attachments are never updated, only inserted. However, it may occur that attachments with the same sub-type appear with different timestamps.

Each inbound or outbound attachment contains an identifier and the reference to the related task or trip.

Attribute Description Optional Example
externalId The identifier of the entry no 114eedb1-5534-48f3-9772-6ac92510e210
task The reference to the corresponding task no (if related to a task) 140484
trip The reference to the corresponding trip no (if related to a trip) JOE-J

Additionally, each outbound attachment that is produced on a mobile device contains the following information:

Attribute Description Optional Example
createdBy The user by which this entry was created no 123595.48367
createdOn The date and time at which the attachment was created. no 2015-03-14 14:03:45
device The (mobile) device with which this attachment was created no 39474739373

Task attachments may have the following types:

Attachment Type Code
Text 1
Number 2
Image 3
Event 4
Document 5
Delivery or Service 6

The following sections contain an extensive list of attachments and its applicability within the context of OMD.

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