Items Delivered
This outbound task attachment is used to let ERP systems know about the quantities that were actually processed in the context of a task. An example for this type of attachment is the actual quantity of goods that were delivered. Note that the quantity provided may differ from the quantity that was specified in the Items Planned attachment.
Attribute | Description | Optional | Example |
attachmentType | The type of this attachment. Needs to be 6, which means delivery | no | 6 |
subType | The sub-type of this attachment, being itemsDelivered | no | itemsDelivered |
reference | A reference to the itemsPlanned attachment of this task, or the product code if this itemsDelivered entry relates to new material. | no | 119857464 |
quantity | The quantity of articles to be processed | no | 1 |
content | The reason for not having delivered the article. Only applicable if quantity is 0. | yes | 45 |
extra | Depending on the process flow of the related itemsPlanned attachment and the corresponding Mobile UI definitions, this field may contain information about delivery-specific data entered by the Field Worker. Each value of the related Mobile UI widgets is stored as an attribute in a generic XML element. | yes | <Data qtyServiced="4" warranty="false"/> |
processFlow | A copy of the processFlow value on the corresponding itemsPlanned attachment, if available. The name of the selected standalone Mobile UI otherwise. | yes | QUEST |
format | The external identifier of the resource owning the inventory (car stock) from which the material has been picked. | yes | 5873 |
If there is no Items Delivered attachment returned to the ERP system but the Closed event has been received, it is assumed that the exact quantity as specified on the Items Planned attachment has been delivered.