Open Constraint
This inbound attachment is used to inform OMD about constraints that need to be fulfilled before actually executing the task. An example for this type of attachment is the provision of spare parts to the mobile worker. The mobile worker can only execute the task once all required parts have been delivered to the mobile worker. Therefore, the constraint remains open until the constraint has been confirmed.
Open constraints do not block tasks from being scheduled for mobile workers. In fact, they may remain open until very shortly before the task is actually started. However, planners can monitor tasks with remaining open constraints and react accordingly. Open Constraints remain open until they are confirmed with an Open Constraint Confirmed attachment.
Attribute | Description | Optional | Example |
attachmentType | The type of this attachment. Needs to be 1, which means text | no | 1 |
subType | The sub-type of this attachment, being openConstraint | no | openConstraint |
reference | An identifier for the item related to the open constraint | no | Fork-lift truck required |
content | The name or description of the constraint | no | Fork-lift truck required |
extra | An XML document containing a Mobile UI definition to edit and confirm the constraint. If empty, the processFlow must be defined. | yes | see below |
processFlow | The name of a configured Mobile UI related to the constraint in case the extra field is empty. | yes | CONFIRM_SUPPLIER |
Example of an extra XML document
<omd.domain.s6.MobileUI description="Select Supplier" name="CONFIRM_SUPPLIER">
<omd.domain.s6.Widget widgetType="option" editable="true" name="C1" prompt="Chosen Supplier" sortValue="1" defaultValue="SupplierCode1">
<omd.domain.s6.WidgetOption description="Supplier A" value="SupplierCode1">
<omd.domain.s6.WidgetOption description="Supplier B" value="SupplierCode2">
<omd.domain.s6.WidgetOption description="Supplier C" value="SupplierCode3>
The above example contains a Mobile UI definition including an Option widget with a list of suppliers. This list can be used in an OMD App to allow the coordinator or planner to select one of the suppliers to confirm the open constraint.