Start of the Day

This outbound attachment contains mileage and time as well as name info. This information is only sent once a day after the Field Worker has confirmed the Start of the Day screen (if enabled).

Attribute Description Optional Example
attachmentType The type of this attachment. Needs to be 1, which means text no 1
subType The sub-type of this attachment, being startOfTheDay no startOfTheDay
content The personal name of the resource yes John Driver
reference The resource this information is related to no 2224
quantity The mileage (km or miles) at the start of the trip no 18957
geocode The best last known location at which this attachment was created yes 0_0_48.702344_10.165200
extra Depending on the sodMobileUI preference, this field may contain information about data entered by the Field Worker in the SOD screen. Each value of the related Mobile UI widgets is stored as an attribute in a generic XML element. The App may add additional device information: appName, build, version, device, model, manufacturer, product, androidRelease, androidSDK. yes <Data engineChecked="true"/>

Use the createdOn and createdBy fields to determine the trip information. Do not use the task reference.

When using an external mobile application, this attachment must be provided to OMD by the Mobile App to create the trip’s KPI attachment. In this case, the attachment is an inbound attachment.

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