OMD Scheduler

OMD Scheduler is an integrated Java application. Starting the Scheduler is facilitated by a JNLP document provided by OMD Cloud.

Cache & Permissions

During the use of OMD Scheduler, all geocoding and routing results are stored in a local cache (within the Java Runtime Environment) on the client machine. This allows a fully functional and secure cache without requiring full access to the local user's workstation. The cache is limited to 2 MB.

However, when using terminal services, customers may have trouble to move the cache between machines of the server farm, resulting in subsequent geocoding and routing requests when landing on another terminal service's machine. To force the application to store the cache outside of the Java Runtime environment in a specific local directory, one may set the location for the cache file with the jnlp.urlcache preference. It is required to broaden the security settings by specifying the jnlp.all-permissions property of the JNLP file.

Note that the cache URL must be specified in the format file:///<volume>/<directory>/<filename>, for example, file:///C:/temp/omd/tds_cache.xml. Specified subdirectories will be created by the Scheduler if not yet existent.

Special URL notations

  • The URL file://./<path> specifies the current directory, which varies from browser to browser.
  • Use file:///{user.home}/<path> to point to the user's standard home directory (USERPROFILE for Windows), for example file:///{user.home}/omd_cache.xml.
  • Use file:///{appdata}/<path> to specify the user's roaming app data folder (APPDATA environment variable on Windows). This specification is only valid if running the Scheduler on Windows. Example: file:///{appdata}/omd/omd_cache.xml.
Type Default Value Example
Boolean false true
Type Default Value Example
String Undefined The path and filename of the local cache file.

Read-Only Access

The preference jnlp.nosave can be defined to control how the start parameter nosave is set in the Scheduler's JNLP. If set to true, then the save button will be hidden in the Scheduler.

Type Default Value Example
String false true

Reason for Disruption

Closing a task in OMD Scheduler may require a Reason for Disruption to be entered. Set the askForReasonForDisruption preference to true to prompt the user with a dialog asking to select the reason and providing a short note. This will cause the Scheduler to create an attachment with subtype canceled, as if the mobile worker cancelled the cancellation. See here for details on Reasons for Disruption.

Type Default Value Example
Boolean false true

Map Bulk Loading

To collect massive route requests during the start-up of the Scheduler, one may turn on the MapBulkTimeDistance preference. For production environments, it is advised to turn this setting on.

Type Default Value Example
Boolean false true

You may limit the data being loaded into the Scheduler during start-up by turning the appletLoadAllTerritories preference off. In that case, the user will be prompted with the list of accessible territories, of which the user can select the territories of interest.

Load All Territories

Type Default Value Example
Boolean true false

OMD Scheduler is able to list tasks on a trip even though they have been canceled by the driver. To enable this feature, the preference planIncludesCanceledTask must be set to true.

Canceled Tasks

Type Default Value Example
Boolean false true

For more details on the OMD Scheduler, refer to the OMD Scheduler Technical Reference Guide.

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