
When sending out servicesheets to customers, or during communication with territory managers (notes, cancellations, etc.), e-mails are sent with the OMD mail system. To make sure that these e-mails are sent out with the proper e-mail addresses, each configuration can make use of it's own e-mail provider.

The following preferences can be used to specify the mail provider information. Note that, in some cases, the e-mail providers may have to adapt firewall settings to allow OMD servers to connect to the customer`s e-mail system.

The mail.username preference indicates the username of the account used to send e-mails from the configuration.

Type Default Value Example
String Undefined service@yourdomain.com

The mail.password preference indicates the password for the account used to send e-mails from the configuration.

Type Default Value Example
String Undefined

The name of the SMTP host must be specified in the mail.smtp.host preference.

Type Default Value Example
String Undefined smtp.yourdomain.com

The port of the SMTP service must be specified in the mail.smtp.port preference.

Type Default Value Example
Integer Undefined 25

The mail.smtp.auth preference indicates if authentication for sending e-mails is required. This value should only be false in trusted environments.

Type Default Value Example
Boolean true false

Use the mail.debug preference to log more detailed information about the sending process. Each step of the JavaMail subsystem will be logged in detail, allowing for debugging in case of connection issues. Use this preference with care since it will spoil the log files when sending large numbers of e-mails.

Type Default Value Example
Boolean false true

The mail.transport.protocol preference indicates the protocol used during transport. Since only sending is used, the protocol should always be smtp.

Type Default Value Example
String smtp smtp

The mail.from preference indicates the e-mail account that will be used as the sender. This e-mail will be visible to customers receiving servicesheets. In case you do not want to receive any response to sent e-mails, use a noreply@yourdomain.com e-mail account.

Type Default Value Example
String Undefined service@yourdomain.com

If none of the above preferences are set for a configuration, OMD will use the standard values as defined in the OMD Parameter section.

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