Send report to Customer

To activate the sending of reports to customers, the preference serviceReportSendToCustomer must be set to true. Note that, even though this preference may contain the value true, one of the other process flow preferences below may disable the sending of reports. Make sure that the serviceReportSendToCustomer preference without process flow specification is not entered on process flow preference level, use the general preference level instead.

Note that the customer receives external reports only.

If a task was cancelled, the report is not sent to the customer.

The serviceReportSendToCustomer preference can be specifically related to the process flow of a task. Suppose the task has processFlow NOSEND and the serviceReportSendToCustomer preference is stored twice - once with value true on general preference level, once with value false and processFlow NOSEND on process flow preference level - the report will not be sent to the customer.

Type Default Value Example
Boolean false true

Apart from sending a report to the customer, organizations may choose to create an internal report in case of exceptions. Tasks are considered exceptional if it contains a note, an image, if it was cancelled or if the task should have been signed by the customer but has actually been signed by the mobile worker.

Type Default Value Example
Boolean false true

The internal service report is then sent to the forward BCC mail address with a standard subject line in which the task number is prefixed as specified in the serviceReportSendOnExceptionTaskPrefix preference.

Type Default Value Example
String Undefined INTERNAL

During the life cycle of OMD configurations, it is potentially possible to copy preferences from one configuration to another during maintenance or development activities. To avoid that reports are sent from non-production configurations, the serviceReportCheckConfiguration preference indicates the original configuration in which sending reports to customers was activated. If the configuration identifier specified for this preference doesn't match the configuration identifier of the current configuration, sending reports to customers is disabled.

Type Default Value Example
Integer Undefined 1490097

As with the former preference, the serviceReportCheckHostname preference is used to check for an invalid OMD configuration environment. The Report Manager, in charge of sending out reports, will check if the currently used machine is the production machine or part of the cluster on which the report should be created and sent. The preference may contain a comma-separated list of host names. If the host or cluster of the actual environment is not listed, sending reports to customers is disabled.

Type Default Value Example
String Undefined 1812098

To identify the production machine or cluster on which the reports are created, OMD queries the environment of the Java VM in which the application server is executed. It uses the name as specified in the preference serviceReportCheckHostnameProperty to determine the value of the environment variable. The value of this environment variable must match the serviceReportCheckHostname value. Otherwise, sending reports to customers is disabled.

Type Default Value Example
String Undefined com.sun.aas.hostName

To specify the text that is used within the email when sending a servicesheet to the customer, enter the text into the serviceReportBody preference.

Type Default Value Example
String Dear Customer, attached you will find the report for the service we have provided today. Dear Customer, ...

When sending an email to the customer, you can use the following preferences to include CC or BCC recipients. In case the serviceReportSendToCustomer (specific on process flow level or not) is false, the servicesheet will nevertheless be sent to the BCC recipients, since these recipients are expected to collect all documents in a document management system or archiving system. To overwrite this default behaviour, set the serviceReportUseBCCWhenToEmpty preference to false.

Type Default Value Example
Boolean true false

To always send to the servicesheet to the BCC address, set the serviceReportSendToBCC preference. This preference is independent of the processflow preference serviceReportSendToCustomer or the preference serviceReportUseBCCWhenToEmpty.

Type Default Value Example
Boolean false true

The format of the subject line is:

- Account Number [ - ] - Task Identifier

The Task Group information is optional and will not be included if not available or if the task group identifier equals the account number.

To adapt the standard layout of the subject, a template can be specified in the serviceReportSubjectTemplate preference. This preference must contain the name of the template. The stylesheet itself must be specified in the Template table.

The layout of the stylesheet can contain all attributes of the Task object and the configurationId attribute, for example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
  <xsl:output media-type="text/plain" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
    <xsl:template match="/omd.domain.s4.Task">Configuration 
      <xsl:value-of select="@configurationId"/> - Task 
      <xsl:value-of select="@name" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>
      <xsl:text> - </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="@accountNumber"/>
      <xsl:text> - </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="@externalId"/></xsl:template>

For exception reporting, the generated subject line will be prefixed with the text defined by the serviceReportSendOnExceptionTaskPrefix preference (if specified). It must not be included into the template itself.

Type Default Value Example
String Undefined See above

When a service sheet is sent as an attachment of a mail, the standard name is created from the externalId of the related task, or the name can be customized by an XSLT. As input for the XSLT, the system provides an XML with all attributes of the task, plus a nested sub-element, created from the contents of the task's extra-field. The file-extension (e.g. "PDF") of the filename is added as an attribute "suffix" of the task.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
  <xsl:output media-type="text/plain" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
  <xsl:template match="/omd.domain.s4.Task">
    <xsl:value-of select="@accountNumber"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="Data/operationNumber"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="@externalId"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="@suffix"/>

The optional XSLT is a template with the name defined in the setting serviceReportFilenameTemplate.

Type Default Value Example
String Undefined emailPodFilename

As with sending notes, the forwardEmail preference specifies the e-mail address to which the reports are sent. Additionally, forwardEmailCC and forwardEmailBCC can be specified. The BCC email is particularly useful for storing sent documents into a Document Management System (DMS).

Type Default Value Example
String Undefined
Type Default Value Example
String Undefined
Type Default Value Example
String Undefined

When running the report for a specific task, the task's locale is used to identify the appropriate report. To append a text to the task's locale, before selecting the service sheet report layout. The text can be selected from the task's extra, employing a custom XPath expression from the preference reportLocaleExtensionQuery.

The text extension can be queried from the task extra and is appended to the locale with a prepending "_", when the name or the report is built. If the task has no or an empty locale field, only the extension is appended.

Type Default Value Example
String Undefined string(//DATA/@reportType)

The preference serviceReportIncludeResourceAsBCC determines if the resource's email address should be included into the list of recipients when sending the report to the customer. The preference can be defined on resource or configuration level.

Type Default Value Example
Boolean false true

results matching ""

    No results matching ""