Copy Task

Description Creates a copy of a task.
Context https://<instance>
URL /copy
Method GET
Response Code 200 when successful, another HTTP status code otherwise
Success Response The copied task.
Response Type XML or JSON
Parameter Datatype Description
configId Integer The identifier of the configuration.
taskId String The external identifier of the task.
earliest Date/Time The copied task must not be executed before this date.
latest Date/Time The copied task must not be executed later than this date.
itemsPlanned Boolean Copy all itemsPlanned attachments. Defaults to false if omitted.
persist String Indicates if the changes must be persisted to the database. Defaults to true if omitted.
_output String The requested output format being xml or json. If omitted, xml is assumed.

The status of the task is defaulted to the status specified for the StatusDefault preference.

Sample Call 00:00:00&latest=2017-10-24 00:00:00&persist=true

Sample Result

<Result success="true">
<Task id="30468417" version="1" lastUpdate="2017-10-09 23:40:57" configuration="16167225" contractLine="0000161996-1-1" account="0000161996" externalId="b8d61bb7-497e-4ca5-a76c-84f7a44ab7df" name="Malla Dechbeastaff GmbH" taskType="VISIT" territory="104" street="An der Unteren Söse 36" postalCode="37520" city="Osterode" country="DE" phone="+49552299100" geocode="0_0_10226511_51749920 1" earliest="2017-10-17 00:00:00" latest="2017-10-24 00:00:00" status="PL" estimatedDuration="75.0" contractType="VISIT" taskGroupId="0000161996-1-2017-05-04-28" groupOffset="0" groupOffsetMargin="0" weight="0.0" volume="0.0" positionInTrip="4"/>

results matching ""

    No results matching ""