
Contacts can be stored in OMD to provide mobile workers with contact details related to their customers.


Attribute Description
id* The identifier of the contact. Make sure that the identifier is unique within the entire configuration. If contacts are related to more than one customer, use the customer’s identifier as a prefix.
customer* The reference to the customer.
title The title of the contact.
academicTitle The academic title of the contact.
lastName* The name of the contact.
firstName The name of the contact.
phone The phone number of the contact.
email The email address of the contact.
businessFunction The function of the contact within the customer’s organization.
department The department the contact is working for.
inactive The contact is not active and shall not be used or shown.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <omd.domain.s5.Contact id="123_344595" customer="123" lastName="Banks" firstName="Marc" businessFunction="Sales Director"/>

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