Tracks consist of multiple geographical locations, each at a certain time. Track-locations can be uploaded per resource in case the ERP provides mobile data from its own mobile client.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id+ | String | Unique identifier of a track. |
resource* | Resource | Related resource, that was on the track. |
fixTime* | Date | Date and time of the last GPS-fix |
altitude | Float | Altitude of location. |
latitude* | Float | Latitude of location. |
longitude* | Float | Longitude of location. |
provider* | String | The provider of the location: “gps” or “network”. |
speed | Float | The speed when the location was measured. |
device | String | A name of the device, where the location was measured. |
createdOn* | Date | A timestamp, when the data was assembled. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<omd.domain.s4.Territory name="Territory-1">
<omd.domain.s4.Resource id="10000004">
<omd.domain.s6.Track id="0f259b4e-b291-4385-b63b-d7f761f563d2" fixTime="2016-09-20 12:42:51" latitude="40.4637" longitude="3.7492" provider="network" speed="0" device="353922051917804" />