Team reporting

Description Retrieves a list of tasks, itemsPlanned and itemsDelivered task attachments by a given task's alternativeId. The related tasks were scheduled or assigned in the past. The response body contains a total of all Q1 attributes found in the extra of itemsDelivered. All tasks contain displayable details of the scheduled resources.
Context https://<instance>
URL /reporting
Method GET
Response Code 200 when successful, another HTTP status code otherwise
Success Response The TeamReporting information.
Response Type XML or JSON according to the Accept header of the request.
Parameter Datatype Description
configId Integer The identifier of the configuration.
taskId String The external identifier of the task.
processFlow String The processFlow of requested task attachments.
reference String The reference of requested task attachments.
content String The content of requested task attachments.

Sample Call

Sample Result

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<TeamReporting q0T="7320000" q1T="2418">
    <Task customer="AAAAAAA GmbH" externalId="AU_44067_OVV-8-52" id="122353368" name="AAAAAAA GmbH" scheduled="2022-08-19 08:20:00" status="FX">
        <ScheduledFor email="" externalId="1234" fullName="BBBB, AAA (CI)" id="16201577" name="AAA"/>
        <TaskAttachment attachmentType="6" content="XYZ" createdBy="split-manager" createdOn="2022-07-28 07:57:08" externalId="cad7ad7e-1bc4-4f2b-bdbf-5820ee527e84#43e6730e-4090-406d-872a-0cc2fdd89783#5fe09edb-f3c4-4bda-bea8-a1cc52b55fa4" id="495075234" lastUpdate="2022-07-28 08:01:12" processFlow="MobileUIMengen" quantity="120000.0" reference="AAAAAAAA.0001.0001." size="3.40" subType="itemsPlanned" unitOfMeasure="Stück"/>
    <Task ... />
    <Task ... />
    <Task ... />

results matching ""

    No results matching ""