Unplan Trip

Description Unplan all tasks in a trip. Fixed tasks or tasks for which the status does not have an unplan transition remain in the trip.
Context https://<instance>.optimizemyday.com/omdservices-basic/rest/v1/services/trip
URL /unplan
Method GET
Response Code 200 when successful, another HTTP status code otherwise
Success Response The trip object after all tasks have been unplanned. Note that the trip is always normalized.
Response Type XML or JSON
Parameter Datatype Description
configId Integer The identifier of the configuration.
resourceId String The external identifier of the resource.
date Date The day for which the algorithm must be executed.
persist String Indicates if the changes must be persisted to the database.
_output String The requested output format being xml or json. If omitted, xml is assumed.

If the task is currently not planned, the call will return unsuccessfully.

Sample Call


Sample Result

<Result success="true">
  <Trip resource="10000024" day="2017-09-20">
    <Stop stopType="4" starttime="2017-09-20 08:00:00" duration="0.0" travelDistance="0" travelTime="0.0" busyTime="0.0" pauseTimeTravel="0.0" pauseTimeOnSite="0.0" travelUnknown="false" overlap="0.0" clone="false">
      <Address street="Grenzstr. 3" postalCode="08468" city="Reichenbach" country="DE" geocode="0_0_12292760_50614540 1"/>
    <Stop stopType="5" starttime="2017-09-20 17:00:00" duration="0.0" travelDistance="0" travelTime="0.0" busyTime="0.0" pauseTimeTravel="0.0" pauseTimeOnSite="0.0" travelUnknown="false" overlap="255.32443" clone="false">
      <Address street="Grenzstr. 3" postalCode="08468" city="Reichenbach" country="DE" geocode="0_0_12292760_50614540 1"/>
    <ResourceWorkPattern id="16176428" lastUpdate="2016-10-20 19:11:21" resource="10000024" workPattern="Standard" validFrom="2015-08-04 00:00:00" validTo="2040-08-04 00:00:00">
      <WorkPattern id="16169128" lastUpdate="2015-12-07 11:42:23" configuration="16167225" externalId="Standard" standby="false" zeroDistanceForDeparture="false" zeroDistanceForArrival="false"/>
    <Cost costValue="0">
      <CostComponent name="Waiting time" base="0.0" value="0"/>
      <CostComponent name="Busy time" base="0.0" value="0"/>
      <CostComponent name="Idle time" base="540.0" value="0"/>
      <CostComponent name="Overlap" base="255.32443" value="0"/>

results matching ""

    No results matching ""