Task Attachments

A task attachment contains additional information about a task. Task attachments can be uploaded from an administrative system, but they can also be created on a mobile device.


Attribute Type Description
id+ String A value that identifies the attachment uniquely. Use of universally unique identifiers required (UUID/GUID).
taskId* Task A value that identifies the task to which this attachment refers to.
version Integer The version of the object. Versions change with every update of the database record. Read chapter Version Control for details.
attachmentType* String The type of attachment: 1 is text, 2 is a number, 3 is an image and 4 is an Event, 5 is a document, 6 is related to a delivery.
binaryContent byte[] The binary representation of the content. In case of images or signatures, this field contains the binary information encoded with Base64.
content String Altering usage.
extra String Further description text for this attachment. This field may contain customized information, for example a textual representation of an XML document, containing specific data that has been collected during the mobile process.
format String Altering usage.
geocode String Altering usage.
processFlow String Altering usage.
quantity float Altering usage.
reference String Altering usage.
size String Altering usage.
subtype String The name of the attachment. Both the attachment type and name indicate the content of the attachment. For example, An Event task attachment can contain information about the fact that the resource has arrived at the customer. In that case, the name of the attachment is onSite.
unitOfMeasure String Altering usage.
device String The identifier for the device on which the attachment has been created. This field is only filled if the attachment has been created during a mobile process. If the attachment has been created within an ERP system, this field should be empty.
createdBy String The name of the user who created this attachment. The user does not refer to an internal user account. It may even be empty if the creator is unknown.
createdOn* Date The date and time at which the attachment was created.

Read the OMD Attachment Reference Guide carefully for a complete list of attachments relevant within OMD Go. Discuss each relevant task attachment type in detail with your OMD consultant. Note that the relevant sub types for your environment depend on your choice of OMD Modules you wish to deploy, particularly the choice for Scheduler only, Scheduler + Mobile or Mobile only.

Example for an itemsPlanned task attachment:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
        <omd.domain.s4.Territory name="Merchandising">
            <omd.domain.s4.Task id="A3583-3405">
                <omd.domain.s4.TaskAttachment id="bb2bea56-55f0-444e-bc22-0c5c7663bf19" attachmentType="6" subType="itemsPlanned" content="SMSW4 CA FW Table (A513C1235-YY)" createdBy="OMD connector" createdOn="2017-08-16 17:27:57" processFlow="MAINT" quantity="1"/>

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