Error Reporting

The ERP system receives a HTTP response as a result of data uploads. Apart from the usual HTTP error codes, OMD Go includes additional information about the success of the upload process into the response body. This information can indicate an error even if the HTTP return code is 200 (OK). The sender of a request must always analyze the response body.

The element Result can be found as node in the responded XML. Result has the attribute success, which indicates an accurate request and faultless processing if it contains true.

Example of successful processing

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<Result processingTime="1488" success="true">
  <Configuration find="1" findTime="2" updates="1" updatesTime="18"/>
  <Territory find="1" findTime="14" updates="1" updatesTime="12"/>
  <Task find="1" findTime="275" updates="1" updatesTime="352"/>

In case of an error there can be multiple variations of a Result element. However the attribute success contains false to indicate an error. In this case the upload transaction must be rolled back on the sender’s side, the response must be analyzed and data needs to be re-sent. If required, data or format of the request must be corrected beforehand.

Example of unsuccessful processing

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<Result processingTime="1717" success="false">
  <Configuration find="1" findTime="97" updates="1" updatesTime="1"/>
  <Error exceptionType="ClassNotFoundException" message="omd.domain.s4.Taskk">
      <omd.domain.s4.Taskk accountNumber="112248" city="Darmstadt" country="DE" debtorNumber="00000001" department="Mustermann, Dampf" earliest="2015-09-15 00:00:00" estimatedDuration="24.0" externalId="0068111199-010" fixed="" geocode="00873941749991560 0" id="987654321" lastUpdate="2015-09-14 15:41:57" latest="2015-09-22 00:00:00" locale="deDE" name="Hans Dampf GmbH &amp;amp; Co. KG" openingHoursFri="08:00 16:30 00:00 00:00" openingHoursMon="08:00 16:30 00:00 00:00" openingHoursSat="00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00" openingHoursSun="00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00" openingHoursThu="08:00 16:30 00:00 00:00" openingHoursTue="08:00 16:30 00:00 00:00" openingHoursWed="08:00 16:30 00:00 00:00" positionInTrip="1" postalCode="64293" remarks="Halle 4, 1x Eingang, 1x,Treppe hoch (rechts durch Tür),Halle6,2xEingang,Verwalt. 4x" scheduled="2015-09-16 08:00:00" scheduledFor="3011-001" status="IP" street="Hauptstr. 69" taskGroupId="0000001" taskType="Regelmässig: Reinigung" weight="40.0" version="0"/>
  <UploadHeader id="123456789" name="Test" principal="myerplogin" timestamp="Tue Sep 22 09:29:16 CEST 2015"/>

In this case, the consultant can improve the request by correcting a typo in the transmitted XML, regarding the element “Task”, then re-send the request.

In some cases, an internal error occurs within OMD, and the request needs to be re-sent again, without any rework.

<Result success="false" severe="true" message="SomeException"/>

The consultant can report repeatedly occurring internal errors using the OMD ticket system. The related response body, date, time and configuration must be quoted in the ticket. If possible, the XML of the request body should be attached.

For convenience, errors resulting from uploads to a configuration can be reported to consultants by automatic email. More details about related settings can be found in the OMD Configuration Guide.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""