
Skills are used to identify capabilities of resources. Usually, skills are related to specific machine devices or general knowledge. Examples are fax Brother-XP4993, German native speaker, cooled transport vehicle.


Attribute Description
resourceId* The key of the resource, identifying the resource throughout the configuration. This attribute can be abandoned in an XML upload since the parent node already represents the Resource.
name* The name of the skill.
skillLevel The level of the skill for this resource. The specified value indicates either the level of knowledge, i.e. 3.0 for experts, 1.0 for trainees, or it represents a factor that is multiplied with the estimated duration of a task once it is assigned to a resource with this skill

Note that during upload, a Resource element must be embedded into a Territory element. Skill elements must be embedded into the Resource element. It is expected that with each update of a Resource or Skill, the ERP system posts the entire skill set along with the Resource data. To ensure consistent behavior, the skillsAsVector preference must be configured to true.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

  <omd.domain.Configuration id="123456">
    <omd.domain.s4.Territory name="TEAM A">
      <omd.domain.s4.Resource id="12">
        <omd.domain.s4.Skill name=”Technician” skillLevel=”Trainee”/>
        <omd.domain.s4.Skill name=”Driver License” />
        <omd.domain.s4.Skill name=”Certified” skillLevel=”A”/>

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