
Special caution must be taken when cancelling a task within the ERP system. It is strongly advised to avoid this situation, but rather let the planner cancel the task within OMD.

If absolutely necessary, and as long as the task has not been executed (OW, OS, CL, CO), the task can be cancelled from outside by providing a Task Attachement with subtype canceled to OMD. A direct update of the task status code is not accepted by OMD (see section on Version Control).

The below XML shows an example of a canceled attachment, uploaded to the `Upload' context.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <omd.domain.Configuration id="1234567890">
    <omd.domain.s4.Territory name="001">
      <omd.domain.s4.Task id="2148029" version="0">
        <omd.domain.s4.TaskAttachment id="C00623AB-695F-4A1E-B90C-1976C3CA53B5" createdOn="2025-02-01 05:45:04" createdBy="HR Buddy" attachmentType="4" subType="canceled" format="NAV" content="Task canceled!"/>

If there are tasks known to the ERP that are relevant for resource planning, but their status shall not be controlled by OMD, then their status codes can be marked as replicated. OMD will perform planning with respect to those tasks, but will not change or move them.


A task can be utilized as placeholder or blocker for an absence of the resource. This kind of task is usually created by OMD only. It has a specific status, defined by the preference AbsenceStatusCode. The default for this status code is AB (see the “OMD Configuration Guide” for more details).

The task has the scheduled and scheduledFor information set, and it is expected that the scheduledFor information is never modified.

When an absence is inserted by OMD, a task attachment of sub-type createTask is automatically created to notify the ERP (see the “OMD Attachment Reference Guide” for more details). To remove the absence from the agenda, OMD adds a canceled attachment to the task, which results in a status transition and removal of the task from the agenda. The ERP will consequently find the canceled attachment in the Gateway interface.

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