Task Status Confirmation

Description Allows a customer to confirm a scheduled task or a group of tasks with the same alternativeId. Only tasks scheduled from the same day on, having a possible status transition to the targeted status are confirmed.
Context https://<instance>.optimizemyday.com/omdservices/rest/v1/customer/task
URL /confirm
Method GET
Response Code 200 when successful, another HTTP status code otherwise
Success Response A text message is returned
Response Type TEXT
Parameter Datatype Description
configId Integer The identifier of the configuration.
taskId String The external identifier of the task.
status String The code of the targeted status after confirmation.

This API supports token authentication, i.e. a token parameter can be passed for authentication. Basic authentication and JSESSIONSSOID cookie validation is also supported.

Sample Call


Sample Result

To use a specific response text, one can specify HTML templates with the following names:

Result Template Name Default in case template is not defined
On failure confirmationFailed Your confirmation could not be registered.
On partial success confirmationPartlyFailed We successfully registered parts of your confirmation. However there were some visits not suitable for the confirmation. Please call your service contact to clarify the details.
On success confirmationSucceeded We successfully registered your confirmation.

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