
Products identify items which can be delivered or which can be used while performing a task.


Attribute Description
code* The code of the product. This identifier must be unique within the configuration.
unit The name of the product’s unit.
category The name of the product’s category.
title A short description of the product.
price The current price of the product.
scanCode For scanning purposes, a code can be defined with which the product can be identified. Read the Configuration Management document for more details on scanning products.
imageURL A URL pointing to an image of the product.
description A verbose description of the product.
salesByService Indicates if the product can be sold while on site at the customer.
volume A standard volume of the product.
weight The standard weight of the product.
scanRequired Indicates if the product must be scanned when being delivered to a customer. Read the Configuration Management document for more details on scanning products.
available Indicates if the product is available within the organization. If not provided, it is expected to be false.

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